Every plot has a mastermind, and the plot to take our world off of its axis is no exception. It began to unfold more than twenty years ago, immediately after the 9/11/2001 World Trade Center collapse, and much has happened during that time-span. Global politics has been decimated by global conflict, legitimate and illegitimate charges of fraud and corruption, economic intransigence, and a long list of seemingly intractable and insoluble problems. Major governments have collapsed, major corporations have collapsed, others are on the brink of collapse, and still others are holding on to a rapidly shrinking lifeline. Significantly, tens of thousands of religious institutions have disappeared from the religious landscape.
Rogue Asset Seizures
When a government or institution collapses, the entities that caused the collapse enter into the "arena," sell off the assets for pennies on the dollar, or less, and take control. Countries have been encouraged to privatize their government assets that ultimately are consolidated and sold to one country, the mastermind and instigator. When a government collapses or is bankrupted, the country becomes impoverished, its citizens become impoverished, and the impoverishment begins to spread to their trading partners. This problem now has become a global issue, and at least half of the countries in the world, including the United States of America, are currently under siege.
The same trend toward impoverishment and ultimate collapse is occurring in the corporate world, in which unwarranted litigation has become the bane of General Counsels as they endeavor to contain the loss of control over critical documents and information produced in eDiscovery, such as trade secrets, or trademarked, copyrighted, and patent-related information. In other instances, documents that are essential to the success of the litigation are blocked from production, leaving the corporate entity with little information with which to defend itself.
In addition, legitimate mergers and acquisitions are being compromised in order to prevent entities from doing what normally would ensure their long-term survival and profitability, while in other instances, rogue companies are making insincere offers to merge with the hope that they can encourage a struggling company to uncover its business strategies, its confidential corporate information, as well as its weaknesses. When such a merger offer ultimately is withdrawn, few companies are able to survive long-term, and they often become straddled with bankruptcy debt. They too are then sold for pennies on the dollar.
The trend toward impoverishment predominates in religious and educational institutions that have rapidly shrinking endowments, as well as in families whose life savings and investments are disappearing overnight because of foreclosure, unemployment, long-term illnesses, bankruptcy, and other adverse circumstances. Targeted portfolios are sometimes herded into prime investments and companies whose stock value surreptitiously plummet intra-day, well beyond what otherwise might be deemed reasonable stop-loss demarcations, causing irreversible losses.
Assaults On Health
Nations of the world also are being subjected to devastating pandemics and other assaults on the health and welfare of their citizens, of which the Coronavirus (Covid-19) and its many variants are only a subset. Brain tumors and other cancers seem to be increasing uncontrollably, in tandem with the many apps that can transform a Smartphone into a powerful Directed Energy weapon, capable of slicing into an artery, or of nurturing cancer cells in virtually any organ. Deaths and amputations from bacterial infections have been on a steep rise for decades, despite the fact that a few slices of red onion on a sandwich can prove to be a death knell for many forms of bacteria.
AI Worship
Lest one believes that one country, which many assume to be China, or perhaps Israel's Knesset, is on a solo mission to take control of our world, it should be noted that they are well-endowed with ample assistance. They have on their side the spiritual and physical assistance of heads of state, legislators, medical doctors, dentists, attorneys, wealthy philanthropists, as well as people from every walk of life, and from every corner of the globe.
They know also that globally, an entire generation of teenagers and young adults have developed a taste for the occult, a longing to reconnect with their truest selves--the spiritual part of their being--and a yearning for the ability to make magic happen. They know that churches and other religious institutions have long ago shunned spirituality as belonging to the realm of mental aberrations. We spoke of God, of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, of the eagerness to see God pour out his Spirit on all people (Joel 2:28 NIV Bible), of the need for God's ruach, of God's soon to come earthly kingdom (Matthew 6:10 NIV Bible), but most did not genuinely believe that a Supreme, Almighty God exists. The AI (Artificial Intelligence) Church, a brand new religion, has promised to embrace an allegedly more palatable direction.
We now know that we are witnessing first-hand a plot to destroy our world, and to strip it of all signs of a genuine, living, breathing, humanity, imbued with a God-created human spirit. However, God promises to redeem the earth from evil's control, to give us fullness of life (spiritually and physically), and to establish an indestructible earthly kingdom. Irrespective of our religious affiliation (Christian, Catholic, Muslim, Hindu, Jew, Buddhist, reformed atheist, or other), we know that when we have in us God's indwelling Holy Spirit, not only do we each become empowered to live lives that are in full accord with God's principles of universality, we also become beneficiaries of God's eternal protection.
Rogue Asset Seizures
When a government or institution collapses, the entities that caused the collapse enter into the "arena," sell off the assets for pennies on the dollar, or less, and take control. Countries have been encouraged to privatize their government assets that ultimately are consolidated and sold to one country, the mastermind and instigator. When a government collapses or is bankrupted, the country becomes impoverished, its citizens become impoverished, and the impoverishment begins to spread to their trading partners. This problem now has become a global issue, and at least half of the countries in the world, including the United States of America, are currently under siege.
The same trend toward impoverishment and ultimate collapse is occurring in the corporate world, in which unwarranted litigation has become the bane of General Counsels as they endeavor to contain the loss of control over critical documents and information produced in eDiscovery, such as trade secrets, or trademarked, copyrighted, and patent-related information. In other instances, documents that are essential to the success of the litigation are blocked from production, leaving the corporate entity with little information with which to defend itself.
In addition, legitimate mergers and acquisitions are being compromised in order to prevent entities from doing what normally would ensure their long-term survival and profitability, while in other instances, rogue companies are making insincere offers to merge with the hope that they can encourage a struggling company to uncover its business strategies, its confidential corporate information, as well as its weaknesses. When such a merger offer ultimately is withdrawn, few companies are able to survive long-term, and they often become straddled with bankruptcy debt. They too are then sold for pennies on the dollar.
The trend toward impoverishment predominates in religious and educational institutions that have rapidly shrinking endowments, as well as in families whose life savings and investments are disappearing overnight because of foreclosure, unemployment, long-term illnesses, bankruptcy, and other adverse circumstances. Targeted portfolios are sometimes herded into prime investments and companies whose stock value surreptitiously plummet intra-day, well beyond what otherwise might be deemed reasonable stop-loss demarcations, causing irreversible losses.
Assaults On Health
Nations of the world also are being subjected to devastating pandemics and other assaults on the health and welfare of their citizens, of which the Coronavirus (Covid-19) and its many variants are only a subset. Brain tumors and other cancers seem to be increasing uncontrollably, in tandem with the many apps that can transform a Smartphone into a powerful Directed Energy weapon, capable of slicing into an artery, or of nurturing cancer cells in virtually any organ. Deaths and amputations from bacterial infections have been on a steep rise for decades, despite the fact that a few slices of red onion on a sandwich can prove to be a death knell for many forms of bacteria.
AI Worship
Lest one believes that one country, which many assume to be China, or perhaps Israel's Knesset, is on a solo mission to take control of our world, it should be noted that they are well-endowed with ample assistance. They have on their side the spiritual and physical assistance of heads of state, legislators, medical doctors, dentists, attorneys, wealthy philanthropists, as well as people from every walk of life, and from every corner of the globe.
They know also that globally, an entire generation of teenagers and young adults have developed a taste for the occult, a longing to reconnect with their truest selves--the spiritual part of their being--and a yearning for the ability to make magic happen. They know that churches and other religious institutions have long ago shunned spirituality as belonging to the realm of mental aberrations. We spoke of God, of the indwelling Holy Spirit Of God, of the eagerness to see God pour out his Spirit on all people (Joel 2:28 NIV Bible), of the need for God's ruach, of God's soon to come earthly kingdom (Matthew 6:10 NIV Bible), but most did not genuinely believe that a Supreme, Almighty God exists. The AI (Artificial Intelligence) Church, a brand new religion, has promised to embrace an allegedly more palatable direction.
We now know that we are witnessing first-hand a plot to destroy our world, and to strip it of all signs of a genuine, living, breathing, humanity, imbued with a God-created human spirit. However, God promises to redeem the earth from evil's control, to give us fullness of life (spiritually and physically), and to establish an indestructible earthly kingdom. Irrespective of our religious affiliation (Christian, Catholic, Muslim, Hindu, Jew, Buddhist, reformed atheist, or other), we know that when we have in us God's indwelling Holy Spirit, not only do we each become empowered to live lives that are in full accord with God's principles of universality, we also become beneficiaries of God's eternal protection.